TC++PL matrix analysis
C++程序设计语言 第四版 有一章专门介绍了matrix,但其中没有讲解do_slice的实现,该matrix库github链接 我们谈谈它的do_slice实现
// Compute the extents and strides for the specified slice in the dim dimension.
// Note that dim is an integral_constant specifying the dimension in which the
// slice is computed.
template<std::size_t N>
template<std::size_t D, std::size_t M>
inline std::size_t
matrix_slice<N>::do_slice_dim(const matrix_slice<M>& desc, slice s)
// If the starting point is past the extent, we're requesting the
// entire slice.
if (s.start >= desc.extents[D])
s.start = 0;
// If the lenght is large or the slice requests more elements than are
// available, make it stop at the right extent.
if (s.length > desc.extents[D] || s.start + s.length > desc.extents[D])
s.length = desc.extents[D] - s.start;
// If the stride over-runs the edge of the matrix, re-compute the length
// so that we stop after the right number of increments. This is:
// l = ceil(d/s)
// where d is the distance from the start to the extent, and s is the
// stride.
if (s.start + s.length * s.stride > desc.extents[D])
s.length = ((desc.extents[D] - s.start) + s.stride - 1) / s.stride;
// Compute the extents and stride in this dimension.
extents[D] = s.length;
strides[D] = desc.strides[D] * s.stride;
return s.start * desc.strides[D];
// Slicing a single column is the same as a 1-count slice at the current
// dimension. Here, dim is an integral_constant specifying the dimension
// being sliced.
template<std::size_t N>
template<std::size_t D, std::size_t M>
inline std::size_t
matrix_slice<N>::do_slice_dim(const matrix_slice<M>& desc, std::size_t n)
return do_slice_dim<D>(desc, slice(n, 1, 1));
// Translate the slice arguments is {s, args...} into the output slice, and
// return the offset of the first element of the matrix. Note that the returned
// element is effectively computed as the dot product of the starting offsets of
// each slice argument with the strides of this slice.
// All of the heavy lifting is done in do_slice_dim.
// TODO: It is possible to reduce the dimensionality of the resulting slice when
// we encounter slice::none arguments or plain index. An index requests only a
// single element, so we can effectively compute drop the corresponding
// dimension.
template<std::size_t N>
template<std::size_t M, typename T, typename... Args>
inline std::size_t
matrix_slice<N>::do_slice(const matrix_slice<M>& desc,
const T& s,
const Args&... args)
constexpr std::size_t D = N - sizeof...(Args) - 1;
std::size_t m = do_slice_dim<D>(desc, s);
std::size_t n = do_slice(desc, args...);
return m + n;
template<std::size_t N>
template<std::size_t M>
inline std::size_t
matrix_slice<N>::do_slice(const matrix_slice<M>& desc)
return 0;
首先该矩阵是多维的,而不是二维的,现实中多维的例子比如时钟,可以看成三维矩阵,10:05:03,可以看成是246060的矩阵中的一个元素,10:05:03转换为秒可以这么计算10* 50 * 60+5 * 60+3 * 1,从代码中可以看到do_slice计算可以分为两步,第一步先计算最低维,第二步计算高维,用我们的例子来说就是先使用do_slice_dim计算10 * 60 * 60,然后计算5 * 60+3 * 1.
第26行 s代表本维的切割,如果切割的结束位置超过本维的长度,调整切割的长度,调整算法是本维长度减去切割起始位置+本维跨度-1;然后除以本维跨度。
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
比如本维长度为7,跨度为2,start位置为0,(7+2-1)/2=4,切割后本维的四个下标是0,2,4,6。 if (s.start + s.length * s.stride > desc.extents[D]) s.length = ((desc.extents[D] - s.start) + s.stride - 1) / s.stride;
30行 子矩阵本维长度为本维切割的长度,子矩阵本维跨度为本维切割跨度乘以本维跨度。 另一do_slice_dim的实现用于递归结束时do_slice_dim的调用。 挺巧妙的。